Is Calorie Counting for You?

Calorie counting isn't for everyone. For many, it is time consuming, stressful and it can be as much as 25% inaccurate.

If your goal is to lose body fat and improve health and performance, the eating method below will not only promote fat loss but will also provide you with all nutrients necessary.

Method: 80% of your food intake should be from high nutrient-dense foods (a lot of nutrients per calorie) and low in calorie-dense foods (few calories per gram of food weight). The ANDI guide (link below) shows in scores from 1-1000 how nutrient dense foods are. By following this guide, you will be able to control easily the calorie intake without counting calories.

Wondering what foods are high nutrient-dense? Click here to see the healthiest and lowest calorie foods you can get. 

Nutrient density chart.jpg